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December 12, 2023


I switched the output mode to hybrid, so that I can easily define static pages with offline functionality. It still allows me to use SSR for dynamic pages with

export const prerender = false;

I created some routes based on the idea of a recipe app to demonstrate different offline scenarios.

    Route                  ║ Output                 ║ PC ║ PW
├── cookbook                ║                        ║    ║
│   ├── index.astro        ║ SSR                    ║    ║
│   └── offline.astro      ║ /cookbook/offline.html  ║ x  ║
├── category               ║                        ║    ║
│   ├── [slug].astro       ║ e.g. /category/french  ║    ║
│   └── offline.astro      ║ /category/offline.html ║ x  ║
├── journal                ║                        ║    ║
│   ├── index.astro        ║ /journal/index.html    ║ x  ║
│   └── ...                ║                        ║    ║
├── recipe                 ║                        ║    ║
│   ├── [id].astro         ║ SSR                    ║    ║
│   └── offline.astro      ║ /recipe/offline.html   ║ x  ║
├── 404.astro              ║ /404.html              ║ x  ║
├── index.astro            ║ SSR                    ║    ║
└── offline.astro          ║ /offline.html          ║ x  ║

PC: Precache
PW: Prewarmed (dynamic) cache (later)

From my understanding of offline-first experience, I realized, that SSR pages will need an offline page. I would like to have different offline fallbacks for different SSR URLs. I created pages for the above structure.

This is probably not supported by Vite-PWA with generateSW strategy, but can hopefully be implemented when using injectManifest strategy with my own service worker implementation.