December 5, 2023
The basic app [09:15]
I am setting up an initial site on Vercel, that I want to turn into a PWA step-by-step. For now it is a plain MDX based blog with two blog entries, one for this journal, and one for the recipe.
I am using Astro 4.0.0-beta.4 with the corresponding MDX and RSS plugins as well as the Vercel adapter to start off.
The whole site is very easily styled with PicoCSS (v2.0.0-alpha) to feel app-like. In order to omit potential problems between the service worker and the client-side router, we start without ViewTransitions
You can find the code on Github and follow the Discord Thread for discussions.
Adding Vite-PWA [13:20]
First step will be, to setup and test the most basic setup with autoUpdate, and making it installable with the browser’s tools.
I try to follow the Vite-PWA documentation for the Astro integration, comparing it to the official simple example.
When comparing, I wonder why the docs say to install Vite-PWA as dev dependency, while the example uses it as runtime dependency and also uses workbox-window explicitly as runtime dependency. I could imagine, that (for SSR), workbox-window is required at runtime and Vite-PWA at build time, hence I would install them seperately, but this should be mentioned in the docs.
My use of NPM Installation levels: Since NPM only offers two levels for modules to be installed when running
pnpm install
(devDependencies and dependencies), I use them differently depending on the kind of project:
- SSG: I distinguish local
and (CI/CD) build timedependencies
. Because we do not really have a runtime (as everything is just static at runtime), this separation gives me an extra handle to improve build speed.- SSR: I summarize local development and CI/CD build time into
and runtimedependencies
, as I want to have control, what runs on the public facing server.
Let’s try it out: I will first just follow the docs and install Vite-PWA ass devDependency…
pnpm add -D @vite-pwa/astro
Virtual modules not found
The virtual modules are not found by Typescript/Astro I tried to include them in tsconfig.json and add triple-slash references in env.d.ts, but both even combined do not make Astro pickup the types.
Installing vite-plugin-pwa explicitly helps with Typescript files, but not with Astro files, though.
Building the PWA
After configuration, when running pnpm build
, I get an error. It seems workbox-window
is required as explicit dependency.
11:58:15 [ERROR] [vite] [vite-plugin-pwa:build] [vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "workbox-window" from "/@vite-plugin-pwa/virtual:pwa-register".
This is most likely unintended because it can break your application at runtime.
If you do want to externalize this module explicitly add it to
To fix this I install it as an explicit dependency, although it is probably fine to have only as a devDependency. I will try later.
pnpm add -D workbox-window
Now pnpm build
works without errors.
Running on dev server
Now, let’s try it on the development server first, although I expect it to behave different from the deployed version, we might get some insights
pnpm dev
When I check the PWA in development with Chrome devtools in the Application tab, it does not find the webmanifest, which was somehow expected, but reading the docs for pwa-info it should be there.
Return the PWA information if available.
This property will be undefined if:
SSR build
PWA is disabled: pwaPluginOptions.disable = true
running Dev Server and pwaPluginOptions.devOptions.enabled = false (default).
I am running on DevServer and have devOptions.enabled: true and the docs say also, that webmanifest on DevServer is supported since v 0.12.2+ (I am running 0.17.6).
Service Worker
The service worker is there, but its interceptions always return the homepage, independent of the route. In development, this does not seem to work correctly.
I tried out with the node adapter and preview: That seems to work.
Running on Vercel
🙏 Thank You
To the always incredible Astro Discord community, in this case particularly Joaquín Sánchez.